Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pope Benedict XVI "plays" a chocolate piano cake

It's not often that one sees the Roman Pontiff "playing" a cake made to look like a piano, but it seems that anything is possible during the heady week that is World Youth Day. Yesterday, after having sat down to lunch with 12 young people from different parts of the world, Pope Benedict XVI, who is an accomplished pianist, decided to entertain his guests by pretending to play a chocolate piano cake. These stills (left and below), from a BBC video, show both the piano cake "playing" and the lunch itself.

According Catholic News Service (CNS), the lunch was part of what has now become a World Youth Day "tradition", whereby "a young man and young woman representing the host country - Spain, in this case - and a male and female each representing five continents" are invited to lunch with the Pope. It seems that 10 young people were chosen "by lot from among the international volunteers who helped prepare World Youth Day", whilst "the young man from New Zealand and the young woman from Australia were chosen by their bishops."

CNS also reports that the Holy Father and his lunch guests had more than just chocolate cake, as the menu included soup, a fish main course and ice cream. It is also likely that the Pope and the 12 young people washed down the meal with some Fanta - which is known to be Pope Benedict XVI's favourite drink!

Article posted by Spencer Samaroo, Managing Director, Moo-Lolly-Bar
The best online chocolate, lolly and confectionery store on the web!

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Source and Photo: A Reluctant Sinner

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